Domestic solar power is gaining popularity among households nationwide. Installing solar panels to generate renewable energy offers numerous advantages. These benefits include lower electricity bills, minimal maintenance costs, export payments from your energy company and a reduced carbon footprint.
Solar panels equipped with batteries enable homeowners to store surplus electricity produced by their solar panels. By using a suitable solar battery storage system, this excess energy can be saved and utilized to power your property later in the day. This not only optimizes your existing solar setup but also boosts your savings.
Solar Panel system require very little maintenance but regular checks are recommended. Solar Inverters typically last around 10 years after which they will need to be replaced. We have extensive experience with Solar Panel systems and can often diagnose issues over the phone. See our dedicated page for tips and help.
TSI aims to promote consumer interests by setting out the principles of effective customer service and protection. It goes above and beyond consumer law obligations.
NAPIT certificated scheme members have demonstrated their competence, they hold the necessary insurances and have the right processes and procedures to assure compliance.
MCS is a mark of quality. Membership of MCS demonstrates adherence to these recognised industry standards; highlighting quality, competency and compliance.
RECC sets out high consumer protection standards for businesses who are selling or leasing renewable energy generation systems to domestic consumers.
Quick answers to the most common questions
How much do Solar panels cost?
The cost to install a Solar Panel system can vary depending on how many panels can fit, how easy the access is onto the roof and whether or not the system has a battery fitted.
Typically systems costs can range between £6000 to £13000
How much will I save by installing Solar Panels?
Your electricity savings will depend on how much electricity you typically use. The more you use, the higher your savings will be. For an average user, you can expect to save around 70% off of your annual electricity bill.
How long does it take to fit a system?
We'd normally allow 2 days to fit a standard domestic system. This can vary on the system size and weather conditions.
Do I need planning permission?
Most Solar Panel systems can be fitted under permitted developments however there are some caveats to this. If you live in a listed building or if the panels are going to be ground mounted rather than roof mounted, this will need planning permission.
Do Solar Panels require any maintenance?
Solar Panel systems require very little maintenance and don't require servicing. Modern systems are often connected to the internet so you can see exactly what they're doing and will notify owners and installers of any issues.
Unit 8, Mountney Bridge Business Park
Eastbourne Road
Pevensey and Westham
BN24 5NJ